Wealth Management

Wealth building for individuals, families & business owners

Cash flow strategies and planning for future generations – a coordinated plan to help you to live life the way you want

Most banks believe that they are good at banking, some offer trust services, and many are trying to develop an asset management capability, whether internally or through a partnership. Truth be told, though we understand the world of trust services and asset management, our internal expertise and strengths are in more traditional banking services. We believe our customers and community require a more specialized approach.

That’s why, in 2015, we entered into a strategic alliance with The Bulfinch Group, a Needham-based financial services and wealth management firm which shares our deep community commitment. We believe each of our customers, whether individuals or businesses, should have a financial plan. Bulfinch will take a holistic look at your financial roadmap and offer suggestions that you may wish to consider.

Our relationship with Bulfinch has already benefited many individuals and businesses who bank with us, and we look forward to introducing you to them at your convenience. There is no cost for their evaluation just as there is no commitment to work with them if, for whatever reason, you choose not to.


You and your family

The single most important factor in wealth building is creating a disciplined cash flow strategy. Protecting and growing your wealth by utilizing savings strategies – monitoring and adjusting these strategies during your accumulation years – can provide abundance and security for you and your family.

Core Competencies


You and your business

Your business may be your single greatest financial asset. Implementing strategies that lead to the continued growth of your business is key to securing you, your loved ones and your employees’ futures. We work with owners at all stages of the business life cycle, from establishing a sound financial foundation to ensuring smooth business succession and retirement. We invest in our clients’ businesses by providing insight and guidance for creating:

Schedule a Call

Our relationship with Bulfinch has already benefited many individuals and businesses who bank with us, and we look forward to introducing you to them at your convenience. There is no cost for their evaluation just as there is no commitment to work with them if, for whatever reason, you choose not to. Start the conversation today with the form to the right.

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Please note that products and services provided through The Bulfinch Group are not FDIC insured and are not guaranteed by Needham Bank and may lose value. Securities products and advisory services are offered through Park Avenue Securities LLC, a member of FINRA and SIPC. Life insurance is offered through The Bulfinch Group Life Insurance Agency, LLC, an affiliate of The Bulfinch Group, LLC. The Bulfinch Group LLC, and Needham Bank are not affiliated and are not affiliates or subsidiaries of Park Avenue Securities or Guardian. *Guardian does not issue nor service health insurance. 2021-115678 Exp 2/1/23